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Dub Bullock (Reaper Miniatures 77207)

Dub Bullock (77207) and Female Rogue (unknown)

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A group of Zhentarim called the Seven Snakes arrived in the village of Nightstone after the goblins were dealt with. Their leader Xolkin Alassandar is a sly bandit captain. His gang wants to meet up with a Zhentarim spy named Kella Darkhope who hid in the village a couple of days before. Both NPCs needed a nice miniature. Dub Bullock from Reaper would make a great bandit leader. For Kella Darkhope I, used a female rogue miniature from my old bag of minis.

I really don’t know what manufacturer the female rogue miniature is from. I think I bought her a couple of years back in a sale. But it’s a nice miniature for a NPC. Dub Bullock (77207) from Reaper Miniatures was sculpted by Matt Gubser. It was part of the second Reaper Bones Kickstarter, and also fits best for a NPC, I think. For the rest of the Seven Snakes I had standard human thugs for miniatures, but these two needed something new.

Both NPCs have artwork in the Storm King’s Thunder book, so naturally I took them as an inspiration for painting the miniatures.

Basing and Priming

I glued both miniatures on 1-inch plastic bases and decorated the bases with sand and small rocks. Then, I primed them with an airbrush in black and white.


For Dub Bullock I took the colors from Xolkin’s character artwork. I thought a desaturated blue would work well for the pants. Even if Xolkin doesn’t have a beard, I thought I saw one on the mini and painted it.

And here is the Female Rogue aka Kella Darkhope. I took the blonde hair and brown leather shirt from the artwork and also chose a desaturated blue for the cloak. I wanted the colors to be subtle, as to not outshine the player miniatures on the battlefield. Overall, I am happy with how both figures turned out in the end. Simple, but good enough.