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My share of the Kickstarter Set

On August 25th 2012, I participated in the now legendary Reaper Bones Kickstarter and pledged a Vampire Level Package. It was the last day, the package included over 240 miniatures. A few months later, I upgraded my order to include some optional stuff. So, altogether, this is what I got:

Vampire Level

  • 1 x New Bones (30 Minis)
  • 1 x Dungeon Attack (36 Minis)
  • 1 x Fighters (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Undead Horde (10 Minis)
  • 1 x Big Bad Evil Guys (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Elves (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Dwarves (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Klicke Classics (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Fire It Up! (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Townsfolk (5 Minis)
  • 1 x Heroes (6 Minis)
  • 1 x Haunts (5 Minis)
  • 1 x Chronoscope (10 Minis)
  • 1 x Mister Bones (1 Mini)
  • 1 x IMEF Marines (6 Minis)
  • 1 x Bedevilled (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Dark Elves (4 Minis)
  • 1 x We Be Goblins! (9 Minis)
  • 1 x NOVA (5 Minis)
  • 1 x Zombie Hunters (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Vermin (12 Minis)
  • 1 x Iconics (7 Minis)
  • 1x Pirates (5 Minis)
  • 1 x Townsfolk II (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Dungeon Dressing (6 Minis)
  • 1 x Who’s your Mummy (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Dark Heroes (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Iconics II (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Swamp Things (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Griffon (1 Mini)
  • 1 x OwlBear (1 Mini)
  • 1 x Grave Danger (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Stom Giants (2 Minis)
  • 1 x Half-Sized Heroes (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Golems (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Necromancers (4 Minis)
  • 1 x Familiars (12 Minis)

Additional Stuff

  • 2x Figure Case
  • 1 x Mind Your Manors (3 Minis)
  • 1 x There Be Dragons (2 Minis)
  • 1 x Demons (2 Minis)
  • 1 x Mister Bones (1 Mini)
  • 1 x Deep Dwellers (5 Minis)
  • 1 x Ice Giant King and Queen (2 Minis)
  • 1 x Fire Giant King and Queen (2 Minis)
  • 1 x Kaladrax Reborn (1 Mini)

So altogether, that’s 259 miniatures.

After placing the order, the long wait started. And after exactly 11 months, my Bones set finally arrived on July 25th 2013. There a lot of really great miniatures and I like the white bones material. After unpacking and admiring every one of the minis, I figured there will be a lot of painting to do… So, I decided – what the heck, let’s start a website – and here we are. 😉