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Castle Skyreach on DMsguild!

Battle map on

Thank you all for your encouraging comments on my redesigned Skyreach Castle battle map. I’ve put the maps on the Dungeon Master’s Guild website. You can download it for free or pay as much as you want for it. The map is available here

Of course, it’s also still available on this blog. Thank you!

Update on January 17, 2021: The map is very well received both here on the blog and on the Dungeon Master’s Guild. It is an “Electrum Best Seller” as of right now, with over 5000+ downloads and an average rating of 4.5 stars.

Some very nice people even paid for downloading the map. It is still “Pay what you want” though, so you don’t need to! But I am very grateful for the few that do pay, because it allowed me and my D&D group to buy other people’s products off from DMsguild using my store credit.

For a while, I was considering, if the map would need updating to better fit VTTs like Roll20 oder FantasyGrounds. However, I don’t really have to time to do that and I hope, people can still use it as is today.

Again, thank you very much!