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Ingrid, Female Gnome

After nearly three years I will finally start posting player character miniatures. I have painted all kinds of monsters to get better at painting, so my PCs will look good enough. This is the first. Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll post all seven of my PCs.

I have painted Ingrid (Reaper Bones 77167) as the first NPC my players travelled with. I used the mini for Jamna Silvergleam, a female gnome assassin and member of the Zhentarim. She travelled with the PCs for about ten game sessions through Episodes 4 to 6 of Hoard of the Dragon Queen. The Reaper miniature is a great, holding a short sword in one hand and a gem in the other. Perfect for a little thief/assassin.

I did not introduce my players to the original Jamna drawing, but used this one instead.

Naturally, I based the paint job of Ingrid on the colors of the drawing.

Basing and Priming

I glued the Bones miniature on a 25mm base, placed some sand and pebbles on it and then primed it black and white with Vallejo Primer.


The face took most of the time. I used the Reaper Tanned Skin Triad and then tried my best with the eyes. I was quite happy with the mini at this stage. So happy, that I stopped painting it for some months. I used it in my game like this.

But eventually, I continued painting Ingrid. I started with the armor and painted it in Vallejo Model Color Chocolate Brown, washed it with a mix of Sepia Ink and Black Ink, and applied Vallejo Game Color Gunmetal Grey on the studs.

The hair was fairly easy. I used a platinum blonde recipe I found online somewhere. I chose to paint the gem as a red ruby as I thought it would make a good contrast. The cloak I really had fun with. I mixed the mint color and then gradually layered the cloak with lighter and darker shades of the same color, but I also mixed in blue, white, and green via wet blending. Finally, I added a muddy brown to simulate dirt on the cloak.

The vest under the armor was painted in a light purple. I added white lines as a pattern just like in the reference picture. Overall, Ingrid represents the color scheme well enough, I think.

And here is the final model: