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Noble Knight (unknown manufacturer)

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When I browse my favorite miniature online stores, I often take a peek at the special sales section. Minis at a discount price are my nemesis, because often I find at least one nice figure that I buy. Mostly, these are old models or discontinued lines. The noble knight was one of these, but I don’t remember what manufacturer made the figure. I used him as an NPC in my Storm King’s Thunder campaign in the town of Triboar.

The Noble Knight came in a pack of three miniatures. The others were also noble lords and/or knights. I tried to identify them via Google Image search and the Lost Minis Wiki, but haven’t found anything. So let’s go with “unknown manufacturer” for this one.

Basing and Priming

Here are pictures of all three of the minis in the pack. Maybe someone can identify them? If you recognize the figures, please contact me 😉

The miniatures came with metal bases, which was nice. But the bases were a bit too small, so I glued them on standard 1-inch plastic bases. After that, I primed the figures in black and white using my airbrush.

I actually used the black and white miniatures for nearly two years in games, even if it was very sparingly. For Storm King’s Thunder, I finally wanted to paint one of them, and I removed the base, eventually to replace it with a Table Top Art resin flagstone base.


At the moment, I only painted one of the three. I named him the Noble Knight. It’s no coincidence that I post him now with all the other blue/red colored miniatures this week. This one was another figure for the blue fraction.

There were not too many details on the figure, just a bit of chainmail and the tabard. Superb painters would take the time and patience to paint the tabard with a nice coat of arms. I thought about doing that, too. But after painting it in blue, I really liked it and didn’t want to mess it up. I am also happy with how the face turned out.