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Frost Giant Bodyguard (Reaper Miniatures 77544)

Frost Giant Bodyguard (2H Axe) (77544)

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Another great miniature is the Frost Giant Bodyguard with his two-handed axe by Reaper Miniatures. This guy perfectly fits into any Frost Giant war band, and I really love his greataxe!

The Frost Giant Bodyguard (2H Axe) like his fighting companion, the Frost Giant Warrior (1H Axe) was sculpted by Bobby Jackson. They fit perfectly together, of course. This mini was also part of a Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter I participated in a couple of years ago. I really loved painting this guy.

Probably lots of other people enjoyed painting him as well! Here are some cool painted versions of him from the internet:

Basing and Priming

I decided that all my Frost Giants would have the same base decoration. So like the others, I glued the miniature on a 3-inch base which I decorated with sand and small rocks. The base would then later be painted as a Tundra base.

As per my usual method, I primed the miniature via Airbrush using Vallejo black and white primer.


I used a mix of blue and gray to desaturate the color of the giant’s skin. For the armor, I restricted the colors to darker, desaturated earth-browns and gray metallic. Offwhite was used for the hair (beard) again. I also applied a blue wash to the beard to make it look colder. For the horns, I used Bonewhite, and for the furs, I used a warmer white tone.

I also used effect snow from Armypainter and tundra grass tufts to decorate the base. Simple, but effective – I think. Overall, I am quite happy with the result!

And here are the Frost Giant Warrior (1H Axe) and the Frost Giant Bodyguard (2H Axe) together!