Frost Giant Queen (77592)
Reaper Miniatures also released a new Frost Giant Queen model as part of their Bones 3 Kickstarter. Although I don’t have immediate plans to use her in my D&D campaigns, she fits in very well with the rest of the Frost Giant group.
Reaper already had Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess (03431) which was re-released as a Bones figure back in an earlier Kickstarter. But the new Frost Giant Queen (77592), sculpted by Bobby Jackson, is a larger figure. It fits better with the scale of the other Frost Giants by Bobby Jackson. However, the miniature is not as muscular as the cartoonish-looking Frost Giant Warrior, which makes it rather petite in contrast to them. But, the Frost Giant Queen looks quite regal.
Many beautiful painted versions of the model can be found on the internet. Here are some of my favorites. Mine wouldn’t turn out this good…

Basing and Priming
I glued the model on a 3-inch Reaper plastic base and decorated the base as usual with sand and pebbles. After that, I primed everything via Airbrush with black and white Vallejo primer.
First, I painted the base as usual. Then, the giantess’ skin. If you go near enough, there are nice contrasts. But they unfortunately don’t show well in the pictures. I proceeded with earthen-browns for the clothing and off-white for the hair.

I wondered if for this miniature, I should have gone beyond the color palette I used for the other Frost Giants. Instead, I decided to do a white dress. Painting white with highlights and shadows is still quite challenging for me, so I started with a base layer of beige, going up to white layer by layer. It worked pretty well, but it looked a bit dull. So I went with ice-blue on the highlights of the dress.
In retrospect, I should have gone for more contrasts on the skin, the face, and the hair. I also don’t like my choice of blue color on the dress – I should have gone with off-white as a final highlight. Maybe I will repaint the figure sometime to fix this. Overall, I think it turned out okay-ish.

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