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Skeleton Guardians (77237, 77238, 77239, 77240, 77241)

Skeleton Guardians

More skeletons from the Bones II Kickstarter! This set featured skeletons with rags of armor. It included each one of Skeleton Guardian Archer, Spearman, Axeman, 2H Sword, and Sword/Shield combination. The minis look cool and are useful as standard monsters on the game table!

In the Bones II Kickstarter, there was just one figure for each of them, but now you can buy them in sets of three each. This includes the Skeleton Guardian Archer (77237), Spearman (77239), Axeman (77241), 2H Sword (77238), and Sword (77240). They have enough detail for Bones miniatures and have really cool poses. I think all of them were sculpted by Bob Ridolfi.

Basing and Priming

I glued them on a standard 1-inch base each and put some sand and pebbles on the base. I went with my usual priming method, airbrushing with black and white.


I wanted them to fit a common color theme, and I chose red cloth. This way, they fit perfectly with the Skeleton Wardens, which also use the same red cloth. Also, a little color contrasts nicely with the browns and beiges of the rest of the figures.

They weren’t particularly difficult to paint, just the usual base coating, highlighting, washing, re-highlighting I found to be efficient for my painting style. I really like these easy paint jobs as they are fun, and you can watch TV while painting 😉 Here they are, after adding some scenery to the bases: