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Tag: undead

Malek the Necromancer (77172)

Beware of spoilers! The final confrontation of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign waits at the Well of Dragons, a citadel and a graveyard of dragons. A death knight named Naergoth Bladelord and lich rule there for the Cult of the Dragon. I already had a lich and a death knight, but I wanted another undead knight with the purple colors of the cult. Malek the Necromancer from the Reaper Bones Kickerstarter was perfect!

bones, reaper, undead

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Lich (77280)

There comes a time in the life of a Dungeon Master, where your players are up against an undead wizard, a lich. These creatures are cunning opponents, often the big bad evil guy of an adventure or a whole campaign. My players were headed to Thay, where undead wizards reign supreme. A good excuse as any to use a lich miniature!

bones, D&D, reaper, undead

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New and Repainted Skeleton Warriors

Are you tired of skeletons, yet? I have more of them as part of the Reaper Bones II Kickstarter. Because they are a little boring to post by themselves, I’ve put them together with repainted old D&D miniatures of skeletons: The Direguard from the Angelfire Set and Orc Skeletons from The Underdark Set.

D&D, reaper, repainting, skeletons, undead

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Shadow Demon (77368)

Not really an undead monster, but a very similar miniature than the last one. The Shadow Demon (77368) was also part of the second Kickstarter and came as a translucent purple miniature. I painted both of them more or less simultaneously, so here it is!

monster, translucent, undead

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