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Tag: Fire Giant

Skorg Ironskull, Fire Giant King (77614) as Duke Zalto

Duke Zalto is one of the main antagonists the players face in the Storm King’s Thunder campaign. He is the leader of the Fire Giants, and he has a devious plan to raise the station of the Fire Giants. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my hands on the official WizKids Minature of Duke Zalto. But the new version of Reaper’s Skorg Ironskull, the Fire Giant King, shares some similarities with Zalto. So I was happy to use the Reaper miniature for the Duke.

bones, dungeons & dragons, Fire Giant, reaper, SKT

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Bluferg, Fire Giant Jailor (77593)

The Fire Giant Jailor is a new miniature that was released with the huge versions of Reaper’s Fire Giants. It was part of the corresponding Reaper Bones Kickstarter, and I was in love with the figure the moment I saw it. The figure gives off the same vibe as some Fire Giant artworks in the Storm King’s Thunder book, so I used Bluferg as the keeper of Giants’ hellhounds.

bones, dungeons & dragons, Fire Giant, reaper, SKT

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Fire Giant Warrior (77616)

Similar to the Fire Giant Bodyguard (77615) from Reaper, the “huge” version of the Fire Giant Warrior (77616) is a very nice updated version of the previous “large” Fire Giants, now using the gray bones material. The figure has a different sword compared to the original artwork and the large version, but it still looks great as a sculpt. I reduced the amount of gold on the miniature to make it look more like a standard grunt.

bones, dungeons & dragons, Fire Giant, reaper, SKT

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Fire Giant Bodyguard (77615)

A couple of years ago, I painted the Fire Giants from Reaper Miniatures. These were great figures, even if they were a little small for D&D 5th edition. Apparently more people thought so, and Reaper redid these figures in the third Kickstarter. They are more or less the same figures, but at 150% the size of the older minis. Also, they are made of the new gray Bones material and have finer details. Of course I bought them and painted them for my Storm King’s Thunder campaign! Let’s start with the Fire Giant Bodyguard.

bones, dungeons & dragons, Fire Giant, reaper, SKT

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D&D Repaint: WizKids Fire Giant

The party helped the people of Triboar to defend the town from a Fire Giant raid. Led by a single giant, a bunch of magmins and orogs tried to raid the town to get an old giant artifact. This was the first encounter with a true giant in the Storm King’s Thunder campaign – and the party was at level 5. I bought a Wizkids Miniature from the Storm King’s Thunder set before. After giving it a repaint, I used it for this encounter (and many others later).

dungeons & dragons, Fire Giant, repaint, SKT

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