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Blightfang (Reaper 77323)

Blightfang, the Green Dragon (77323)

Time for another dragon! Reaper’s Blightfang is a huge green dragon that I used for my Tyranny of Dragons campaign to depict the Chuth, the Emerald Assassin in the Misty Forest on the Sword Coast. He is directly associated with Neronvain the Green which I posted yesterday. It took me more time creating the forest base than painting the dragon 😉

Chuth, the Emerald Assassin is the best buddy of Neronvain the Green Wyrmspeaker, which I just posted. You can see the artwork of the dragon from the Tyranny of Dragons campaign below

Chuth, the Emerald Assassin in D&D Tyranny of Dragons

The miniature I chose for Chuth is Blightfang (77323). This dragon was a new miniature released with the Reaper Bones Kickstarter. It’s a green dragon/wood dragon, and its scales look like tiny leaves which is a great little detail. Overall, the miniature is good enough fit for a Dungeons and Dragons green dragon. And it is huge!


The “miniature” is so large, that I didn’t find a base for it at first. I ended up ordering a 15 cm / 6-inch round steel plate from Amazon for 6 euros. This was way cheaper than buying a plastic or resin base in that size. Also, the plate is pretty heavy, so the dragon won’t fall over easily.

First, I assembled the plastic figure, covered the seams with green stuff and glued the figure on the metal plate. I had lots of room to design a cool base here, so I planned a small wood scene with the dragon near a small pond with lots of vegetation.

Second, I bought some plastic plants from a 1 Dollar store and used them for more exotic plants. For the rest of the base I used small stones, sand, and twigs.

Basing and Priming

It took some time priming this huge miniature. But doesn’t it look great already at this stage?


Luckily, I took lots of pictures while painting Blightfang. First, I applied base coating on the base and the dragon. The dragon didn’t have too many details I wanted to highlight, so I mainly used dry brushing and washes for the scales and the wings. The colors were inspired by the D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual.

As I initially said, it took more time to create the base than painting the dragon. Adding the vegetation was really fun! I also used still water effects medium from Woodland Scenics for the water in the pond. After a couple of years, I would not recommend using this specific type of effects medium, because it was very shiny like in the pictures below at the beginning, but turned almost opaque since then. I guess I should have used a pure resin product here. I will remember this for future water effects.

And here is the final version of Chuth aka Blightfang!

This miniature is huge! To get more details on camera, I took lots of pictures while zooming in:

It took me over 10 hours, but I really love the final result. The dragon was a blast to use in my D&D campaign, and now it sits in my shelf overlooking my home office 🙂