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Ghostly Summons (77095)

Another miniature from the “Haunts” Set from Kickstarter: The green transparent plastic version of Ghostly Summons (77095) features three lady-spirits in a kind of fire/cloud on a smooth surfaced summoning circle.

After painting the spirit, the banshee and the grave wraith, I wanted to try something different with the Ghostly Summons and the nightspectre miniatures. Previously, I painted all the translucent plastic in the figures, but this time I wanted some of the flames/cloud of the summoning to glow brighter and decided just to drybrush it a little instead of washing.

There are really beautiful paint jobs of the Ghostly Summons from other painters, that inspired me. ALizardinCrimson posted  a red/flesh tone variant of the miniature’s metal version on Cool Mini or Not. I really love Marike Reimers version and also Rich Burges version in blue and green. For the plastic version, there are also interesting exmples from Carjacked Seraphim and Carmen’s Fun Painty Time to check out.

Basing and Priming

After the usal clean-up and basing the miniature on a big round base, I glued on some fine sand. Like with the other translucent miniatures, I basecoated the wholoe figure with brush-on Vallejo Satin Varnish before painting it.


I applied a wash of Vallejo Model Color (MC) Dark Green Ink on the spirts, leaving out the flame/cloud. Then, the skin of the women was painted with MC “Lime Green”. I really got used to like this color with the translucent green plastic bones. Next, I drybrushed with MC “Green Grey” once more, including the flame/cloud. For the base, I painted the sand in dark eartyh brown tones and washed it black.

The Ghostly Summons have a very smooth base, some kind of summoning circle with runes carved into the surface. I painted the stone surface with a mixture of dark grey and just a hint of blue in it and washed it with black. The runes were painted in MC “Lime Green”, to make them pop out more.

Finishing Touches

This time, I didn’t do anything besides sealing the miniature. There really was no space left on the base, and I didn’t want to use vegitation here. Maybe I could have created a smoother base to expand the surface material of the summing circle instead of using earth/dirt around it. But I think it looks good enough, maybe next time 🙂

That’s it! Tomorrow is halloween, and I’m going to post two undead themed miniatures throughout the day, yay!