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Tag: repainting

Repaint: Knight Templar (02119)

This was one of my earliest miniatures I bought back in 2001. I was just getting into AD&D at this time, and somehow I got my hands on a printed catalog of Reaper miniatures. Naturally, I was hooked instantly. I bought a couple of the early Reaper Dark Heaven Fantasy minis and I loved them. Among them was a very classic English Knight/Templar Knight, which I repainted after 18 years.

reaper, repainting

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D&D Repaint: Combat Medic

Here comes another repaint of an old miniature. The Combat Medic from the old D&D miniatures line is a nice figure for any NPC cleric/priest or combat medic. It has nothing to do with my Storm King’s Thunder campaign, but I painted this mini while preparing other miniatures I actually used for upcoming encounters then.

D&D Miniatures, repainting

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D&D Repaint: Arcanix Guard

I have tons of old Wizards of the Coast D&D miniatures from the 2000s, and I started to repaint them. Most of the sculpts look pretty good, but the factory paint job is often not very good. It’s easy to fix by repainting them and giving them a second life as a painted miniature.

D&D Miniatures, repainting

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More Orcs and repainted Orcs

In 2014, I painted the Orcs from Reaper Bones’ first Kickstarter. In 2016, I got more Orcs from the Reaper Bones II Kickstarter. I was not perfectly happy with the first batch of orcs, especially the black skin color and the 40 mm bases I used for them. The arrival of the new orcs gave me enough reason to take the older miniatures apart and paint all of them again.

bones, monster, orcs, reaper, repainting

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New and Repainted Skeleton Warriors

Are you tired of skeletons, yet? I have more of them as part of the Reaper Bones II Kickstarter. Because they are a little boring to post by themselves, I’ve put them together with repainted old D&D miniatures of skeletons: The Direguard from the Angelfire Set and Orc Skeletons from The Underdark Set.

D&D, reaper, repainting, skeletons, undead

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