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Tag: monster

Young Fire Dragon (77026)

Time for some dragons! In the Tyranny of Dragons campaign, my players were to face at least one of each type of chromatic dragon. They already faced an Adult Green Dragon that I already posted some years ago. I didn’t have miniatures for all colors at that time, but I had some models for Red dragons. Here is the young fire dragon!

bones, D&D, dragon, monster, reaper

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Shadow Demon (77368)

Not really an undead monster, but a very similar miniature than the last one. The Shadow Demon (77368) was also part of the second Kickstarter and came as a translucent purple miniature. I painted both of them more or less simultaneously, so here it is!

monster, translucent, undead

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Oozes, Slimes, and Jellies (Otherworld Miniatures)

Let’s return to some unremarkable miniatures for once. Every so often, you need some ugly monsters for your players. Something like these Oozes, Slimes and Jellies from Otherworld Miniatures! Normally, you don’t really need miniatures for that kind of monster, more so now when everybody is playing online. But hey, I got them 7 years ago in a sale and sometimes, you only have one hour to paint.

D&D, monster, Otherworld Miniatures

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