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D&D Repaint: WizKids Fire Giant

The party helped the people of Triboar to defend the town from a Fire Giant raid. Led by a single giant, a bunch of magmins and orogs tried to raid the town to get an old giant artifact. This was the first encounter with a true giant in the Storm King’s Thunder campaign – and the party was at level 5. I bought a Wizkids Miniature from the Storm King’s Thunder set before. After giving it a repaint, I used it for this encounter (and many others later).

dungeons & dragons, Fire Giant, repaint, SKT

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Noble Knight (unknown manufacturer)

When I browse my favorite miniature online stores, I often take a peek at the special sales section. Minis at a discount price are my nemesis, because often I find at least one nice figure that I buy. Mostly, these are old models or discontinued lines. The noble knight was one of these, but I don’t remember what manufacturer made the figure. I used him as an NPC in my Storm King’s Thunder campaign in the town of Triboar.

dungeons & dragons, knight, SKT, unknown manufacturer

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Repaint: Knight Templar (02119)

This was one of my earliest miniatures I bought back in 2001. I was just getting into AD&D at this time, and somehow I got my hands on a printed catalog of Reaper miniatures. Naturally, I was hooked instantly. I bought a couple of the early Reaper Dark Heaven Fantasy minis and I loved them. Among them was a very classic English Knight/Templar Knight, which I repainted after 18 years.

reaper, repainting

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D&D Repaint: Combat Medic

Here comes another repaint of an old miniature. The Combat Medic from the old D&D miniatures line is a nice figure for any NPC cleric/priest or combat medic. It has nothing to do with my Storm King’s Thunder campaign, but I painted this mini while preparing other miniatures I actually used for upcoming encounters then.

D&D Miniatures, repainting

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D&D Repaint: Arcanix Guard

I have tons of old Wizards of the Coast D&D miniatures from the 2000s, and I started to repaint them. Most of the sculpts look pretty good, but the factory paint job is often not very good. It’s easy to fix by repainting them and giving them a second life as a painted miniature.

D&D Miniatures, repainting

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Cultists (77351)

When playing a long-running D&D campaign, the Dungeon Master will probably use some sort of evil cult eventually. At least, I do! Evil cults are great antagonists, as they have evil minions and allies like devils, demons, or dragons. So I was very happy that the Reaper Bones Kickstarter included a couple of cultists I could use for my Storm King’s Thunder campaign.

bones, dungeons and dragons, humans, reaper, SKT

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Dwarven Warriors (unknown manufacturer)

I can’t seem to remember for the life of me, where I got these four dwarven warriors from. I ordered them online somewhere at a bargain sale, they were produced by a manufacturer I also don’t remember. Of course, I searched everywhere on the web for them, but I haven’t found anything, yet. It’s a pity, because these are great models and I would love to have more from their line of miniatures.

dungeons and dragons, dwarf, SKT, unknown manufacturer

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Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures: Orcs

A couple of years ago, I painted Reaper Bones orcs. Some time ago, I repainted them and added more orcs from the second Reaper Bones Kickstarter to the horde. WizKid’s Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures line also has some orcs! These are “original” orcs as depicted in the D&D 5th edition monster manual. As my players were en route to an encounter with orcs in the village of Triboar in my Storm King’s Thunder campaign, I decided to give these new orcs a try.

Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures, orcs, SKT

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Ankheg (77230)

Ankhegs are insectoid monsters as big as a horse, they burrow underground, can detect vibrations in the earth, and spit acid when they are not attacking with their claws. In D&D, these beasts are interesting opponents in dungeons, caves or while travelling overland. I don’t exactly remember where I put an Ankheg encounter in the Storm King’s Thunder campaign, but it was definitely there. Reaper has some great Bones miniatures for these monsters, why not just take three of them?

bones, dungeons & dragons, monster, reaper, SKT

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Beasts! Vermin Spiders (77126)

Almost done! Just a few more beasts. Next to beetles, Reaper Miniatures “vermin” of course also includes spiders. They are a great low level threat to adventurers in ancient ruins. Again, these miniatures are very, very simple and maybe took a couple of minutes to paint. I’ll post them anyway, but I promise the next miniatures I post are less dull!

bones, dungeons & dragons, reaper, spiders

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